The aftermath…

So how did it play out? Some days were better than others, that’s for sure. Once Steve accepted the position in North Carolina and put in his resignation, we had one month to make a lot of things happen. Steve and I were committed to letting Gabi finish her senior year at her current school.…

The big decision…

Steve and I had tossed around the idea of changing the way we live for a couple of years. We realized how caught up we were, in that vicious cycle of working so hard to maintain the lifestyle we chose and not spending enough time “smelling the roses.” Now don’t misunderstand, we loved living in…


Gabi had been wanting a small dog for some time. We already had a dog and two cats so I always said no. Well in 2011 she had a golden birthday, 14 on the 14th, and as this only comes around once in a lifetime I knew she needed something special. A puppy. I had…

Our beginning…

Ironically, Steve and I were born and raised several miles from each other in a small town in southeastern Wisconsin. Our paths did not cross until I entered 3rd grade at a parochial school where Steve had been attending. He was in 4th grade. It was during his 8th grade year that we decided we…