
Wow, that short hiatus to do some maintenance on the site, turned into two weeks. The site initially crashed, then when I got it back up, there were incompatibility’s with the theme and plugins and I got the notorious “white page of death.” My web hosting service had to get involved… needless to say, I…

Our family…

Gabi is an amazing young woman. She has an incredible sense of style and at 5′ 10 1/2 “, she proudly wears 3” heels. She is empathetic and strong willed, both qualities serving her well. She graduated from East Carolina University December of 2018 with her Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree. She opted for…

Our dream…

I purchased a leather bound journal and we jotted ideas down when they came to us. The first idea was want vs. need. We lived a long time accumulating things we wanted and that is evidenced by the three 16 foot PODS and the small moving truck it took to move it all. That includes…