The porch is taking shape…

What a week! I’m not sure what I am more excited about, the porch taking shape or the absolutely gorgeous windows they installed! Last I updated you the porch had it’s cap and we were ready for a roof. And here it is… It has totally transformed the look of the house. The new front…

My cupcake adventure… Prep: Part 2 The Chocolate Cupcake

With all the ideas from my Pinterest page to inspire me, I had my plan. Part 1: Figure out how to make, dip and decorate cake pops. (completed) 2. Find the best tasting chocolate cupcake recipe. Next up, I had to find a recipe for the best tasting chocolate cupcake. Should it be milk chocolate…

Phase 1: The addition update

It’s been almost a month since they started working on the addition so I though it was time for an update! Last I blogged they had finished putting up the foundation walls. Then came the cap and eventually the framing. We had rented a lift to finish painting the garage so I went up about…

My cupcake adventure… Prep: Part 1 The Cake Pops

With all the ideas from my Pinterest page to inspire me, I made my plan. Here is part 1. 1. Figure out how to make, roll, dip and decorate cake pops. At first glance cake pops seemed simple enough. It’s just a tiny ball of rolled cake, dipped in something to coat it and then…