Humpty Dumpty goes under the knife again…

  Steve has been affectionately nick named Humpty Dumpty, by a friend, due to the two falls he has taken in the past year. Yes, I said two! September 4, the day after his birthday, he and Zach were fishing in the Brushy Mountains and Steve slipped on a wet rock and went down. Now…

Gutting the west end…

The farmhouse remodel has been one adventure after another, but no part had been more anticipated than this one: remodeling of the first floor of the original house. This space will contain the heart of the home: the family room and the kitchen! I had been waiting 2 years to start this part of the…

A long overdue update…

It’s been 4 months since my last post (sounds like confession!) and my sister Tiffany, among others, have been bugging me to update the blog which I realize is long overdue but I have a good reason. I’ve been working, at a real job! I found a small pediatric office that needed another provider and…