We finally finished insulating the second floor! Steve had a huge smile on his face when he placed that final piece.
(The orange stuff you see is spray foam that Steve used to fill in cracks and gaps.)

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That isn’t the only good news though, our plans were approved and we were issued the building permit!

The plan on the left is what was submitted to the County Planning and Development Office. Earl, Steve’s Dad, drew the original plan from measurements we took and floor plan ideas we gave him. I took his plan and reworked the kitchen and bathroom areas (hope it wasn’t copyrighted Earl!). The plan on the right is generated from www.floorplanner.com, a website where you can design your space and then look at it in 3D. You can place your furniture and see how it all flows. It’s free and although there is a learning curve to it’s use, it is well worth it.

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Also, I was approved to general contract the remodel which means coordinating who does what when, making a lot of phone calls to keep things moving… and saves us some money, which is always a bonus. It really is no different from what I have been doing all along, but now I have a title. I wonder if I can get a salary? I’ll have to talk to the homeowner! Ah Steve…

I contacted Don Harrington (who built the garage) to get our addition started and am still waiting to hear back. The addition is roughly 14′ X 16′ and will connect the garage with the existing house. It will contain two full bathrooms and a hallway, nothing fancy! The single bathroom we have now is in the southeast corner of the house and will be removed to make way for the new living room.

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Some days I think I see a light at the end of the proverbial tunnel!

4 thoughts on “Approved!!!”

  1. Kim: Their is no copyright on the plans, they are yours. Have you and Steve determined what is supporting the ceiling in the kitchen area ? I noticed that you are using some pocket doors. They are not the easiest to operate and if they come off the track can be a problem to get back on. I very rarely use them. You must have another method of hanging the coats in the back hall off the garage. As of now it looks as if we will be visiting you the third week in September.


    1. Hi,
      As far as the kitchen ceiling goes we will be using pillars. Right now we have planned a built in farmhouse table that is flanked on both ends with a 3′ wide by 2′ deep by 5′ tall cabinet. The pillars (two on each end) will sit on top of the cabinet to support the ceiling load. If we don’t do a farmhouse table it will be an island with the pillars sitting on that.
      Where you see pocket doors are really going to be sliding barn doors that will attach with a track above the door. I didn’t know how to show that on a set of plans so I just used the pocket door symbol:) but because we will be doing them ourselves it really didn’t matter.
      Lastly, as far as coat storage we plan to use pegs on the wall. We have that long hallway with plenty of wall space to utilize and really we only use coats a couple months out of the year here so it shouldn’t be a problem. We are also considering carving out some of the pantry for a designated coat closet but wanted to wait and see the space once it gets gutted. We are planning on doing this ourselves so we can make changes to the plans as we go.
      I am working on two new posts, one that will explain our plans and a second one that shows our progress with the shiplap. It’s gorgeous!
      Stay tuned.
      Love you,

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