Clearing some land…

The pandemic shut down our interior renovation plans as we struggled to get subs and supplies, so 2020 was the year we turned our attention to the outdoors! In the last post, I shared how we transformed the exterior of the house and if you missed it you can read it here! Next was the…

The exterior gets a facelift…

We started 2020 with big plans to complete the interior of the original house!! The anticipation of finally seeing this phase of renovation completed had renewed our spirits and our goal was to cook Thanksgiving dinner in our new kitchen. Unfortunately it was not to be. With the pandemic restricting non-essential workers, our indoor projects…

We have a front door…

For a couple years we’ve had a beautiful front porch that led to nowhere. We couldn’t install the front door because the kitchen sink, which we were still using, was in the way (directly below the old windows). But not anymore! We tore that all out, if you don’t remember check this out! In order…

Tearing out the kitchen…

In my last post I shared that we had gutted quite a few rooms (3, 4, 5 & 6) on the first floor to make way for the new kitchen and living room. We had installed new windows & insulation and had rough electric, HVAC and plumbing completed for that space. We had only one…

A little siding and some lighting…

One more update from 2019… Siding In the fall of 2019 we had a visit from Steve’s parents and the guys worked on several projects but the one that stands out is the siding. We’re once again using fiber cement board siding by James Hardi. We used the Hardipanel Vertical Siding with battens on the…