The addition takes shape…

It’s been quite some time since I updated you all on our journey with bringing new life to this house we purchased in spring of 2015. It was a bit different from what we were used to. Just a teensy bit! This was our custom built home in Eagle, WI that we moved from. It…

Steve’s recovery…

Ten weeks ago Steve had his left rotator cuff repaired. The surgery was a bit more complicated than the surgeon anticipated with the largest tendon completely torn off the bone, the biceps tendon needing repair… (probably had nothing to do with footings and foundation support wall he put in the day before surgery). The surgery was…

Humpty Dumpty goes under the knife again…

  Steve has been affectionately nick named Humpty Dumpty, by a friend, due to the two falls he has taken in the past year. Yes, I said two! September 4, the day after his birthday, he and Zach were fishing in the Brushy Mountains and Steve slipped on a wet rock and went down. Now…

Gutting the west end…

The farmhouse remodel has been one adventure after another, but no part had been more anticipated than this one: remodeling of the first floor of the original house. This space will contain the heart of the home: the family room and the kitchen! I had been waiting 2 years to start this part of the…

A long overdue update…

It’s been 4 months since my last post (sounds like confession!) and my sister Tiffany, among others, have been bugging me to update the blog which I realize is long overdue but I have a good reason. I’ve been working, at a real job! I found a small pediatric office that needed another provider and…