Remodeling resumes…

Steve’s been chomping at the bit to get working on the house. He was given the okay on a Thursday and by Saturday morning the saw horses were up and construction noise was echoing through the valley once again. The addition was our focus. The interior was ready for insulation but first we had to…

Some quick updates…

We had a quiet winter and spring while Steve rehabbed his shoulder, but amazingly a lot was accomplished. The front porch was completed in mid-December. It’s gorgeous. At 8 feet deep and 36 feet long, it’s the perfect porch for a southern home, actually it’s perfect for any home! We have some finishing touches to…

Front and side yard

Exploring our property…

With our portion of the house renovations on hold, Steve and I took some time to explore our couple of acres of property and made some plans to improve it’s usability. The immediate area around the house was already cleared with plenty of room for a large garden (hopefully next year), sitting area, and plenty…

The second floor is finally finished…

Steve and I have taken many leaps of faith in the past couple years but this house was certainly the biggest. There were so many things that made it all wrong for us. It was only 1400 square feet, only had one bathroom, no basement, garage or usable outbuilding, no insulation, no  heating or cooling……

vanilla bean cupcakes

My cupcake adventure… Prep: Part 3 The Vanilla Bean Cupcake

I can’t quite believe it, but it’s been 3 months since the last installment of My Cupcake Adventure. It certainly wasn’t my plan to delay the series but our lives took an unexpected turn last fall with Steve’s shoulder injury. When we found out he would need surgery and it would be a 6 month…