Steve’s shoulder surgery update…

On Thursday December 29th Steve finally had repair of his rotator cuff. Everything went really well, but not necessarily as expected. We have our share of mishaps, or challenges, that we have come to affectionately call “adventures” and unfortunately the day of Steve’s surgery was one of them. I’ll start at the beginning. Steve’s procedure…

Steve’s shoulder update…

I will warn you in advance, there is nothing good about this post and I won’t make you read until the end to tell you the bad news: Steve needs surgery! You may remember that Steve slipped and fell while installing the shiplap in the stairwell injuring his already sore right shoulder. Initially we were…

Fall in the Blue Ridge Mountains…

It’s Fall and with colors at their peak, we decided to take some time off and go for a drive on the Blue Ridge Parkway. It’s a National Parkway, nearly 500 miles long, designed with overlooks for visitors to stop and take in the long range views of the incredibly beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains. The…

The porch is taking shape…

What a week! I’m not sure what I am more excited about, the porch taking shape or the absolutely gorgeous windows they installed! Last I updated you the porch had it’s cap and we were ready for a roof. And here it is… It has totally transformed the look of the house. The new front…

My cupcake adventure… Prep: Part 2 The Chocolate Cupcake

With all the ideas from my Pinterest page to inspire me, I had my plan. Part 1: Figure out how to make, dip and decorate cake pops. (completed) 2. Find the best tasting chocolate cupcake recipe. Next up, I had to find a recipe for the best tasting chocolate cupcake. Should it be milk chocolate…