Steve’s shoulder injury…

Steve developed right shoulder pain a couple of months ago while insulating the attic. In the sloped areas, he had to lay on his back and work over his head to place the attic insulation (my very own Michelangelo!) and after weeks of doing that, his shoulder was really sore. I was pretty certain it…

Down time…

Periodically we have days where the amount of work still to do and the slow progress we’re making completely overwhelms us and gets one or both of us down. Thankfully it doesn’t happen often and we know a little down time is in order to rejuvenate our spirit. With the hot humid summer here in…

Our family…

Gabi is an amazing young woman. She has an incredible sense of style and at 5′ 10 1/2 “, she proudly wears 3” heels. She is empathetic and strong willed, both qualities serving her well. She graduated from East Carolina University December of 2018 with her Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree. She opted for…

Our dream…

I purchased a leather bound journal and we jotted ideas down when they came to us. The first idea was want vs. need. We lived a long time accumulating things we wanted and that is evidenced by the three 16 foot PODS and the small moving truck it took to move it all. That includes…

All work and no play, no way…

Summer 2015 We did have fun this summer, it wasn’t all work. My sister Tiffany, her husband Mike and their kids Lauren, Lindsay and Emma came down for a visit. We had only been here for a couple weeks at that point, so I was not too sure about where to go exploring, so we…