The addition takes shape…

It’s been quite some time since I updated you all on our journey with bringing new life to this house we purchased in spring of 2015. It was a bit different from what we were used to. Just a teensy bit! This was our custom built home in Eagle, WI that we moved from. It…

A long overdue update…

It’s been 4 months since my last post (sounds like confession!) and my sister Tiffany, among others, have been bugging me to update the blog which I realize is long overdue but I have a good reason. I’ve been working, at a real job! I found a small pediatric office that needed another provider and…

Phase 1: The addition update

It’s been almost a month since they started working on the addition so I though it was time for an update! Last I blogged they had finished putting up the foundation walls. Then came the cap and eventually the framing. We had rented a lift to finish painting the garage so I went up about…

Phase 1: The Addition begins…

I am so incredibly happy to tell you we’re officially beginning work on the first floor! Shock and awe, right? It’s Phase 1: The Addition (and the covered porch!) Every so often I like to look back at a picture of the house, as we saw it, that morning in June of 2015 when we…