The second floor is finally finished…

Steve and I have taken many leaps of faith in the past couple years but this house was certainly the biggest. There were so many things that made it all wrong for us. It was only 1400 square feet, only had one bathroom, no basement, garage or usable outbuilding, no insulation, no  heating or cooling……

The porch is taking shape…

What a week! I’m not sure what I am more excited about, the porch taking shape or the absolutely gorgeous windows they installed! Last I updated you the porch had it’s cap and we were ready for a roof. And here it is… It has totally transformed the look of the house. The new front…

Phase 1: The addition update

It’s been almost a month since they started working on the addition so I though it was time for an update! Last I blogged they had finished putting up the foundation walls. Then came the cap and eventually the framing. We had rented a lift to finish painting the garage so I went up about…

The garage gets painted…

With the attic reno on hold because of Steve’s shoulder I was looking for another project we (or mostly me) could do. I decided to paint the garage! The garage construction was actually completed in late February and because the Hardi Board & Batten Siding was primed, it bought us some time before we had…

Phase 1: The Addition begins…

I am so incredibly happy to tell you we’re officially beginning work on the first floor! Shock and awe, right? It’s Phase 1: The Addition (and the covered porch!) Every so often I like to look back at a picture of the house, as we saw it, that morning in June of 2015 when we…