On Thursday night, I got the call we have been waiting for since late December: the roofer is coming tomorrow! The remodel of the second floor has been on hold until the roof was replaced. We didn’t want to insulate the ceiling and put in brand new hardwoods, if there was any chance of the roof leaking. I did a happy dance, although it had to be alone in my bedroom because Zach says it’s too embarrassing, especially when Steve joins in. Who cares right? If you are happy, dance!

Friday was nuts. I got Zach to school, on time of course, and when I got back home Dale Costner Roofing was on site. There were several guys on the roof scraping off all the old tin shingles. Pickups were parked strategically around the house, to catch all of the debris, so it could be hauled off site. He also had tarps placed on the ground to catch any debris that missed the pickup. Dale and his crew came highly recommended, so we were in good hands.

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Roofers: check.

Next would be a POD delivery and with a three-hour window 7:45-10:45, all I could do was wait. Despite all the noise that echoed through the house from the roofers, around 9am, I heard the beeps of a truck in reverse and knew it was my POD delivery. Christmas again, twice in the same week, I couldn’t be happier. I ran outside to confirm my suspicion and I was right. The second POD was here.

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POD delivery: check.

Alright, so here’s the deal. There is a 50/50 chance this POD will be nothing but tools and garage stuff. On the other hand, there is a 50/50 chance that it is full of household items including my Kitchen Aid, Crock Pot, dutch oven, utensils, mixing bowls… that I have been living without for almost a year. When the house sold, I had to make decisions about what items to pack/ship on the PODS and what items to keep with me and transport down when we moved. All of my small kitchen appliances and favorite gadgets were not a priority, so they were packed and shipped. Steve had accumulated kitchen items at the apartment, that he used to prepare meals, so I planned to utilize those until the garage was built and we could retrieve the PODS. I miscalculated on two things: 1. the amount of time the garage construction would take & 2. the bare minimum kitchen supplies Steve had (1 mixing bowl, 2 serving spoons, 1 chef’s knife, 1 9×13 dish, 1 small sauce pan, 1 smaller sauce pan …).

So, drum roll please…

I couldn’t open it. Something must have shifted during transport. Dang nabbit! I had to wait until Zach got home to find out. Ugh!

While I was messing with that, the building inspector shows up to do the final garage inspection. Great! Did I need to pull a permit for the roof? I never thought of it. Dale never mentioned it. I ran inside and called Steve. He assured me, we did not. What would I have done anyways, leave? hide? cry? send the hounds after him? bribe him? Just kidding (especially about the last one), although you never really know for sure, as I like to live with a little sass!
Whew, we passed the inspection and no questions were even asked about the roof. It was only 10 o’clock in the morning and I was already in need of a _________ (you name it and it would fit, I’m not kidding).

Inspection: check and passed!

The roofers moved along quickly and although I was super excited to be getting a new roof, the puppies were not too happy.

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Loud noise(s) make them anxious and without a place to escape to or someone to comfort them they become frantic. Poor things, when I went inside they just mauled me, yipping and jumping. I felt so bad so went on a long walk to take a break from the noise. When we returned I had work to do on the computer but they would not stop pawing me and clawing at me, they wanted to be held. They are about 28 pounds of puppy combined. So I sat in the computer chair with a bed pillow on my lap and placed the two dogs on the pillow. I planned to wrap my arms around them and get to the keyboard. It was a stretch but they were happy and I got some work done.

Puppies: check & happy (for the moment)!

I had one other item to check off my list today, the hardwood floors needed to be picked up. The shop is about 30 minutes west of here, a beautiful drive, but I was tired and we still had the POD to open and start to empty out. I called Ronny and he graciously agreed to a changed pickup date of Saturday. Outstanding!

Hardwood flooring: tomorrow!

 The roofers stopped for the day. They have maybe 25% left to do. It looks great, in some areas. Other areas it looks abandoned again. That is not the direction I want to do in!

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Zach got home and was able to open the POD door a couple of inches and we determined it was the garage POD, dun, dun, dah! Steve will be so happy. We had to wait for him to be able to unload because we could not open it. He had a long week at work so we decided to wait until Saturday to tackle that. Oh well, now I have something to look forward to next Tuesday when POD #3 comes.

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