Steve has been affectionately nick named Humpty Dumpty, by a friend, due to the two falls he has taken in the past year.

Yes, I said two!

September 4, the day after his birthday, he and Zach were fishing in the Brushy Mountains and Steve slipped on a wet rock and went down.

Now when you’re 6’5″ it’s a long way down and you got a few seconds to think about how you’ll land. He decided to save the recently repaired right rotator cuff and reach out with his left arm.

That didn’t work out so well for him either!

Steve has a congenital anomaly (just this one) where the acromion (the tip of the scapula that wraps up over the shoulder) is hooked. It narrows the space in the shoulder joint and over time frays the tendons in the rotator cuff.

(Nerd alert, Steve says. I’m sorry I can’t help myself but I did use some restraint by not adding anatomical pictures.)

When he fell in the stairwell and grabbed onto the wall for support the frayed tendons gave and tore. The surgeon repaired the tendons and he also shaved off that hook so it wouldn’t happen again. He also told Steve that he very likely had the same situation occurring in the left.

So, almost a year to the day, he fell again and tore two of the tendons in the left rotator cuff (one a complete tear), as well as, tore his labrum. Time does not heal this kind of injury so once again he needs surgery.

That will happen tomorrow, Monday October 30 (ten months and a day from the repair on the right).

I’m eternally grateful it was just his shoulder and not a head injury or fall down a great distance… He and Zach were not together at the time Steve fell, they were each exploring their own areas to fish. It could have been so much worse!

I’m also grateful he only has two shoulders!

I’ll keep you updated and as always keep it simple and do it with sass!


P.S. The photo above is from 2015 when Steve was on the roof having just finished installing the skylight and he didn’t fall that day. He also approved this post and the use of the nick name!




4 thoughts on “Humpty Dumpty goes under the knife again…”

  1. As Mom “B” to Steve “B” I could not help but laugh at his nickname “Humpty Dumpty”. Thanks for the sense of humor. Earl and I are so proud of the entire “B” family. I am looking forward to the 2nd visit to your home hopefully in April/ June of 2018. LOVE Mom “B” Valarie AKA Grama “B”

    1. Isn’t it cute! Did you notice the picture is of him sitting on his house like Humpty Dumpty sits on his wall. He’s a good sport. I’ll pass on your message.

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