It’s been 4 months since my last post (sounds like confession!) and my sister Tiffany, among others, have been bugging me to update the blog which I realize is long overdue but I have a good reason.

I’ve been working, at a real job! I found a small pediatric office that needed another provider and in April I started working 4 days a week. It feels so good to be back in the exam room helping kids and their families. I am truly blessed to have found a vocation that completes me and yeah I know it sounds a little corny, but it’s absolutely true.

So that leaves me three days a week to do everything else my life demands, which still is consumed with the house remodeling like design decisions, meeting with sub contractors, picking materials, inspections… not to mention the actual work. It may be exhausting and often frustrating but at the end of the day, I love it!

Last I left you, we had just finished buttoning up the exterior of the addition with HardiePlank lap siding and Hardiesoffit. (The yellow color is a primer and it will be painted white like the garage. The yellow siding on the right is original and will be removed and replaced with a combination of lap and board & batten siding.)

(The tarp covers an old porch that Steve had to tear out due to rot and foundation issues. It will be re-built.)

Once the exterior was complete we were finally able to open up the wall between the addition and the original house! Remember when we put that plywood up to cover the original front door? I teased Steve that we were living in a boarded up house, but no more!

Check that out!

Next went the windows!

For months we climbed through the right window to access the garage and driveway. I’ve saved it and will re-purpose it somehow, it’s a great memento.

We removed the interior bead board siding which revealed the exterior sheathing (angled boards) which also had to come down.

The existing wall was finally gone, the walkway opened up and the walls of the addition insulated. (This space houses 2 full bathrooms.)

Removal of this wall was monumental for us!

It signified a shift of our focus, finally, to the first floor of the main house. It’s gonna get a bit tricky as we continue to live in the same space that will be under construction, but I am so ready to do this.

Bring it on!

On a sad note, we had to put down our sweet boy, Max.

This past winter he had thinned down and by early spring he had started vomiting. A vet visit ruled out any treatable conditions and he suspected some kind of cancer. A few weeks later he stopped eating.

Max was a stray, abandoned on the side of the road with his litter mates, rescued by a friend, and offered to our family. He was Zach’s cat but fell in love with Gabi and slept on her pillow, every night, for years until he moved to North Carolina with Steve. He loved all the nooks and crannies of this old house. He would show up with cobwebs in his whiskers and we knew he’d been exploring. We’ll miss you Max!






6 thoughts on “A long overdue update…”

  1. WOW!! What a difference! It looks so different. Doesn’t even look like the same house.
    You guys are doing a great job, it will be absolutely beautiful when it’s finished.
    So sorry to hear about Max.
    Love and miss you all! Hope we can plan a visit soon!

    1. Thanks Tiffany. It has changed a lot. That plywood covered the front door that you guys walked through at your visit. Remember how we all sat around in the small family room to eat! That’s all gone too. Stay tuned. Miss you all so much!

  2. Looking good Kim and Steve. Val was very impressed when I talked to her after they returned from their visit. We did a lot of remodeling of our old farm house (one we lived in previous to our present) but never to the extent of what you have been doing. So I can just imagine what it’s like to live in the midst of the remodel. Sorry to hear about Max. It’s always hard losing a pet.

  3. Omgosh….they are BLESSED to have you practicing in their area. It’s one of those “I’m so happy for Kim but insanely jealous for us” moments. We will forever miss you here! But are happy for you. The house progress is going so great!

    1. Melissa thank you for your kind words. I am so happy to be able to be helping kids/families again. I am building relationships, report and word of mouth is spreading. A grandmother recently said to me “I think you were put on this earth to be doing exactly what your doing. The love you have for children is palpable.” It was an amazing validation. I am blessed and my heart is full! I miss you all and wish you many blessings for the new year! Kim

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