Tuesday was the day of PODS delivery #1. We (my friendly customer service rep and myself) planned to have the PODS delivered one at a time, about 3-4 days apart. I had no idea which of the PODS was coming, it would be random.

One of the PODS is mostly furniture. Zach & Gabi are wishing for that one first, as it contains their mattresses/box springs/bed frames. Zach has been sleeping on a queen sized Sleep Number bed that used to be in the master bedroom. The beauty of a Sleep Number Bed, with dual air chambers (mattresses), is that each person can adjust the amount of air in their own chamber, to their liking. Thus, you can sleep in the same bed and have very different mattress settings. Now when one person sleeps on it, even with both chambers filled identically, you roll towards the middle and it’s not very comfortable. You kinda feel like a hotdog in a bun. (It’s really not that bad, but you get the idea now, don’t you?) Anyways, you can see why Zach is rooting for the furniture POD. When Gabi comes home for a weekend she sleeps on a twin mattress/box spring. She just wants her old queen sized bed, to stretch out in, and since she is almost 5’11” I can understand.

One of the PODS is mostly garage stuff and tools. I’ll bet you can guess who’s rooting for that one. Actually I think we all are just a bit, but Steve has missed having his tools. He has had to purchase some new one’s here, because we couldn’t hold off the demo of the chimneys, porch roof, house roof or the second floor until the PODS came. Zach has his outdoor stuff in there like his skateboards, basketballs… I have been waiting for a rake, the pruning shears and the pooper scooper. The rake is for cleaning up the yard, of course. The pruning shears will be used to start clearing a path around the property. The pooper scooper should be obvious, but just in case you don’t get it, I am sick of picking up poop in little baggies. I will share a secret: if they poop in areas not usually traveled, I leave it. Someone else needs to own up to leaving the poop no matter where they go and I can’t decide which of the three it is (it’s probably all three!).

One of the PODS is mostly home decor & kitchen stuff and there is only one person rooting for that one. Realistically though, we have no room for anything else in the house and whatever we bring in will just have to be taken back out during the different phases of renovation. Steve is adamant about keeping everything in the garage/attic until each phase of the renovation is done and then bringing it in to its permanent home. He doesn’t want to have to move more things in, to just move them out for reno and then back in again. I get it, but man I miss my kitchen stuff.

I had a delivery window of 7:30 to 10:30 and was assured the driver would call me as he got close to the house. At 9:15 I was just bringing the dogs in and I heard the beeps of a truck backing up. I ran outside and sure enough one of the PODS was being dropped off.  It was a little dicey unloading it, as the machine that moves the POD got stuck in the driveway. After much perseverance, the driver won the battle of the mud and was on his way back to the big city.

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I took a look at the locks on the POD and realized this was the POD that we had trouble locking up. The openings on the sliding lock did not quite match up, so the padlock had to be jammed through, and now I was going to have to try to remove it. I was able to open the lock but I couldn’t push or pull it through the opening. I put on some work gloves, grabbed a hammer and wailed on it. It came off and I didn’t break anything.

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Moment of truth, which POD was it. It kind of felt like Christmas as I rolled up the door. It was the furniture POD. The kids would be so happy. I had hoped to be able to unload stuff before the boys got home but this is what I saw!

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I removed what I could and this is what was left.

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This is how far I got.

2016-02-23 013I locked it up, with only one lock on the easy side, and had to wait. I did text Gabi and Zach that their beds were here. Zach would have his that night but Gabi wouldn’t be home until Spring Break to enjoy her’s.

Once Zach and Steve were home, we made great progress and unloaded the entire POD. Most of our furniture will be sold, as the scale of this house is so much smaller, that many things will not fit.

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We are ready for POD #2.

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