Ironically, Steve and I were born and raised several miles from each other in a small town in southeastern Wisconsin. Our paths did not cross until I entered 3rd grade at a parochial school where Steve had been attending. He was in 4th grade.

It was during his 8th grade year that we decided we liked each other. At his 8th grade dance, apparently I kissed him in the parking lot up against a car, and his mom witnessed it. I said apparently because I honestly don't remember it. I likely was so mortified I have blocked it from my memory. (I did things with a little sass even then, didn't I?)

The rest is not exactly history, as they say. I broke his heart when I ended things two years later. We were at different high schools and it was too hard for me. Steve and I did not meet up again until the summer after my freshman year of college. I saw him at the local fitness club and now I can tell you, the rest is history.

We finished college, got married and started our careers, all the while, creating grand dreams for building a house and starting a family. Our dreams came to fruition with a daughter, Gabriella, 3 years later. The house came along the following year and a son, Zachary, two years after that. We were set.

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The years flew by. Steve and I had full time careers. My mom cared for the kids until they were school age. We were often moving in different directions, doing whatever we could just to keep up.  Don't get me wrong, we were happy and had a great life, but fundamentally something was missing.

It took a long time for us to realize, we forgot to keep dreaming.

2 thoughts on “Our beginning…”

  1. Excellent! Very nice way to keep us posted on your family’s experiences even those of us in Missouri and right now in Texas

    1. It was great to hear from you. I am glad Val passed on the info for the blog and I will work hard to keep it up to date. Kim

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