Gabi is an amazing young woman. She has an incredible sense of style and at 5' 10 1/2 ", she proudly wears 3" heels. She is empathetic and strong willed, both qualities serving her well.

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She graduated from East Carolina University December of 2018 with her Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree.
She opted for a fast paced first job in the Surgical/Trauma ICU.
We couldn't be more proud of her.
She has her priorities in order and her future is very bright.

Zach is an amazing young man. At 19 he is 6' 3 and finally done growing.
He is a sensitive old soul and wise beyond his years.
His interests are vast: rebuilding his 2006 Ford Mustang, racing remote controlled cars, playing his guitars, cooking, and he loves video games too.
He is ready to help with the house remodel whenever he is needed.
While Steve was living in North Carolina and the kids and I were still in Wisconsin, Zach really stepped up. It was partly out of necessity as "the man of the house" but mostly from his incredible intuition telling him when I needed help.
He did more than his fair share and I will be forever grateful.

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Steve and I are fortunate to have two great kids . I know I bragged a bit here and there, but what's a mom to do?


Last but certainly not least is Gigi!

Our sweet Gigi is a petite bundle of energy.
She'll charge a stranger, barking like she's 10 times bigger than she is.
She alerts everyone if there is a leaf blowing by or
an unfamiliar car in the neighbor's driveway.
She's also very sensitive to tone of voice,
verbal reprimands and loud construction noises.
As soon as Steve put's his work boots on,
she finds a place to hide.

She was out of sorts for a few weeks after we put her brother Vinney down
December of 2019.

It took her a few weeks to find her way without him
and once again she is having fun playing ball and she snuggles right between Steve and I to sleep at night.
They were best buddies!!

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