I am so incredibly happy to tell you we’re officially beginning work on the first floor! Shock and awe, right?
It’s Phase 1: The Addition (and the covered porch!)

Every so often I like to look back at a picture of the house, as we saw it, that morning in June of 2015 when we drove in.
Most people would see a run down house with no curb appeal and run!
Steve and I saw potential.

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We have made some changes both inside and outside, but the ones outside have been more substantial.

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(This picture was taken before the roof was re-shingled but shows the changes thus far.)

Phase 1 will really change the look of the house and it began on Monday August 22, 2016 when Don Harrington’s crew: Mark, Derek and Ricky removed the front porch roof:


and on Tuesday they took down the porch.

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The section of porch/roof with the lone pillar you can see in the middle picture was supposed to come down too but I wasn’t at home that day for them to ask. It has since been removed.


So with demo done, it was time to dig the footings for both the connector room and the new covered front porch.
The porch will run the entire length of the south side of the house.
Digging was a bit tricky as the water line and the waste pipe (going to the septic tank) run through this area.
Don was on site supervising the digging and thankfully no problems.

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Footings were poured later that week and then it sat until after Labor Day.
The mason’s came on September 8th and made quick work of the foundation walls.

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The Harrington crew came earlier this week and put the cap on the brick so we are ready for framing.
I’m not sure when that will start as lumber hasn’t been delivered yet but I’ll keep you posted.














2 thoughts on “Phase 1: The Addition begins…”

  1. It looks so different just having the front porch gone. So happy for you that it’s moving along.
    I’m sure you cannot wait to have it all finished, if nothing more than to finally have a better functioning kitchen. 🙂
    Looking forward to coming and seeing all your hard work.
    Miss you all!!!

    1. I know, it’s exciting and frustrating all at the same time. Thanks for commenting Tiffany, I love to hear what people are thinking.

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