Ten weeks ago Steve had his left rotator cuff repaired. The surgery was a bit more complicated than the surgeon anticipated with the largest tendon completely torn off the bone, the biceps tendon needing repair… (probably had nothing to do with footings and foundation support wall he put in the day before surgery). The surgery was successful but extensive, so the initial recovery of 4-6 months was extended to 6-9 months.

The first 3-4 days after surgery were really tough. Pain control was a huge problem and because he couldn’t lay down, he had a hard time getting comfortable to sleep.

By day 7 he was starting to feel better and actually went into the office for a few hours. He slowly built up to a full day. The exhaustion was welcomed as it helped him sleep at night.

We are not used to complete downtime so the month of November was unusual. We put the time to good use though and did a lot of planning for the next stages of the renovation and a lot of product research, when the weather was nice we explored outdoors.

By the first week of December Steve started physical therapy and by Christmas had graduated to a home program of continued stretching and then strengthening. He is out of his sling completely and although he has to avoid pushing, pulling and heavy lifting with the left arm, he has found a couple of projects to work on around the house!

Stay tuned and as always, do it simple and do it with sass!





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