I will warn you in advance, there is nothing good about this post and I won’t make you read until the end to tell you the bad news:
Steve needs surgery!


You may remember that Steve slipped and fell while installing the shiplap in the stairwell injuring his already sore right shoulder.
Initially we were hopeful (in denial, really)
he didn’t do any significant damage but in the days that followed it quickly became apparent that something was really wrong.
He couldn’t raise his right arm without assistance from the left arm which was a pretty good indication that he had torn something.
We continued on, in denial, for a few weeks while he iced and rested it “hoping” that it would miraculously resolve,
but of course that didn’t happen.

Finally after three weeks, yes three weeks, enough was enough.
He saw the PA, that works with his Primary Care Provider,
and following her exam she agreed he likely tore something.
Next stop: Orthopedics.

After some plain film x-rays, that showed an impingement,
and the surgeon’s exam he too concluded that he tore something.
Next stop: MRI.

It took a couple weeks to get insurance approval and then an available appointment,
but finally the week before Thanksgiving he had the MRI.
They were unable to complete the entire thing because of his pain.
If he can get his shoulder in just the right position,
he can minimize or eliminate the pain for a time,
but once it starts to hurt again he has to re-position it.
In the MRI scanner you have to hold still,
well after 30 minutes he couldn’t take it anymore,
they had to stop.
It was another two weeks before his appointment with his Orthopedic Surgeon to discuss the MRI results,
that appointment was last week Thursday.

The MRI confirmed one of the tendons has a complete tear and needs repair, by scope, scheduled for December 29.
The surgeon will have to place a couple screws in the humerus so the tendon has a place to be sutured to.
He also will take care of the impingement by shaving down a bone spur that is rubbing up against the humerus and the torn tendon.
Then after 6 weeks of immobility (arm in a sling) the tendon should have reattached.
It will be another 3-4 months to regain strength and range of motion.
Wow, I’m not sure that’s sunk in completely for either of us yet!

Our dream of restoring this house to it’s former glory and making it a home again,
for better or worse,
has consumed our lives for the past 18 months.
From the day we moved in here, our focus has been demo and reno.
We plan all week for the weekend’s projects and once the weekend arrives, it’s work, work and more work!
We eat, breathe and live construction, it’s all around us, but things have to change.

So what does that mean for us?

For Steve, it will be a much needed rest with plenty of time to recover and hopefully an end to his pain.
(It has been really tough on him although he would never admit it.)

For me, I’m not sure.
There are smaller projects (planning our garden, moving the goat barn/chicken coop,
clearing some of the wooded area around our house, painting…)
that I’ll continue to work on and who knows maybe I’ll step up and take on a bigger project
(siding the addition, installing the soffits and trim on the addition, tiling the shower and the bathroom floors…)
with Zach’s help and Steve’s direction from the sideline.

Here’s what I do know:
we are frantically trying to finish some of our projects before Steve’s surgery,
hence my lack of new posts lately,
and yes, I did say we.
Believe it or not, Steve has continued to work on the renovation during this whole time.
His health care team can’t believe, that with his injury, he is still able to work on the house.
I don’t know whether to call it dedication or lunacy!
Irregardless, I’m photographing each step of the way and will post as soon as I can with updates.

Happy Monday and as always, keep it simple and do it with sass!




5 thoughts on “Steve’s shoulder update…”

  1. Like your positive attitude (i.e.Steve getting some down time). I know how frustrated I would be if Larry or I were laid up in the midst of a major change

    1. Thanks, Paula! We are definitely both feeling a lot of emotions right now and frustration is surely at the top, but Steve is really struggling and no matter how much we both want things to continue to move forward it’s not worth it if he’s suffering. This renovation is a labor of love and something we’re having so much fun doing together, so we have to stay positive or we’ll both start to regret it.

  2. Thanks for the detailed update on Steve’s shoulder diagnosis. Heh, the T-shirt Steve is wearing in the blog photo(Blarney Stone Whiskey). Do you keep a bottle of that handy? I do observe the weirdest things. Love, Mom “B”

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