We started 2020 with big plans to complete the interior of the original house!!
The anticipation of finally seeing this phase of renovation completed had renewed our spirits and our goal was to cook Thanksgiving dinner in our new kitchen.

Unfortunately it was not to be.

With the pandemic restricting non-essential workers, our indoor projects that we needed sub-contractors for, had to be put on hold.

Although disappointing, we always have projects to do and there was a big one that needed completion…

the exterior!

Do you remember what it looked like before we got our hands on it?

farmhouse when we arrived 2015

After clearing out the fencing and shrubbery we added a 36′ X 24′ garage with two car bays and a workshop.

Then we reoriented the front of the house to face south and added a connector room that linked the garage to the house…

added a huge front porch…

and replaced all the doors & windows.

This is how the exterior looked at the beginning of 2020!

The first project: removal of the rotted porch railings.

The railings were only a couple years old but unfortunately some of the finish lumber wasn’t primed prior to being installed and with all the moisture here in NC, wood just does not hold up well. Some areas became a safety issue so it all had to go.

We’ve not decided whether we’ll replace the railings or not. My dad reminds me often that it’s not a southern porch without them, so they should go back up. We’ll see!

The second project was to finish the siding and build a roof over the back door!

We’re doing a combination of HardiePanel vertical siding with battens on the gable ends and HardiePlank lap siding on the others. Hardie is a cement board product that resists damage from moisture, rot and pests. It also won’t ignite when exposed to flame. If you want to read more, check this out!

Steve started at the porch…

then moved to the back gable.

Once the back gable siding was complete Steve was able to begin the new roof. He built the supports with lumber we took out of the house during demo and hand chiseled the notches to perfection!

The roof got framed…

and then shingled, look at that smooth transition from existing to new roof!

The north side of the house will eventually be torn out to make way for our final addition!! We opted to put old siding back up, temporarily, just so things look finished and to help heating/cooling of the house.

The back gable finally got some battens…

and last but not least the small gable got siding!

A few more battens…

and it was ready for paint!

Indulge me a second, I’ve got some people to thank!

This siding project was a huge undertaking, not only in scope but due to the weight of the product. Each sheet of HardiePanel weighs 80 pounds and we were going up two stories on the gable ends.

Steve’s dad, Earl, helped with the front gable and the lower half of the back gable.  Thank you so much Earl, couldn’t have done it without you!

Our son Zach helped Steve finish the large back gable. Thank you so much Zach, you are always there when we need you!

The rest of the workload fell on Steve. He did the lap siding and sided the small gable in back by himself, don’t ask me how he managed, he just did. He plugged away weekend after weekend without complaint!

It was a late Sunday afternoon when I took the above picture. After he placed the last few battens we stood back to check out our house and on his dusty, exhausted face I saw a smile develop. Steve isn’t the type to admire his work, he just finishes one project and goes on to the next but this Sunday, for just a few minutes, he stood proudly taking it all in. I stood in awe of him! You amaze me everyday, thank you for your tireless work on this house!

Finally it was time for paint.

The body of the house is Benjamin Moore White Dove and the trim is Benjamin Moore Simply White. I hand painted the lap siding and the lower half of the gable ends.

Steve sprayed the upper half and the soffits.


farmhouse when we arrived 2015

and now!


and now!

You may have noticed the deck is gone but that’s for another post.

The original concrete stairs don’t line up to the new door but the future deck will cover them up.

So beautiful at dusk with all the lights on!

We were busy working on the land in 2020 as well, I’ll update you in my next post.

As always, keep life simple but do it with sass!










11 thoughts on “The exterior gets a facelift…”

  1. What a lot of energy all that work has taken, I am amazed and impressed! I love all the posts you send.

  2. There aren’t enough words to tell you guys how proud we are of what you have accomplished.
    We were there on day one and have seen all the stages your home has gone through. All the blood,sweet,tears and surgeries and even COVID and you guys never let all this stop you. Now your getting close to being done , it’s unbelievable. Each new step it’s gets better and better. When your finished it will be gorgeous and you did it all yourselves.
    Kim, just think soon you will be cooking in your new kitchen and Steve will be relaxing in his recliner admiring what a fabulous job he did on the house.

    1. You are absolutely right about being there from the start! What a fright the house was the day we drove up. Looking back, I cant quite believe we stuck it out but look at it now! I forgot to thank dad in the post, he is the one who removed all the nails from the siding Steve put back up on the house. To you both: a big thanks for all the support and optimism, it lifts us up when we need it most.

  3. All that hard work is definitely paying off!
    You’ve changed that house into a Beautiful Home!! I cannot wait to see the inside finished.
    You are so blessed to have the knowledge to do this all yourselves. Something to be very proud of!

    1. Thank you! It’s a labor of love for sure and with the end finally in sight it’s getting really exciting!

  4. I enjoyed all the pictures and your descriptive blogs. Steve has impressed me with his abilities to figure out how to get the job done, especially the many steps involved. Also his knowledge of how to take an xB passenger vehicle and transpose it into a long haul vehicle with the same license. I have enjoyed helping with this project and wish I could have done more. I would like to help with the flooring or anything else that needs to be done. Keep up the good work, work safely.

    Love to you both,

    G&G “B”

    1. Thank you! We are more than grateful for your wisdom and your help. We always have projects here and welcome your assistance anytime.
      Steve and Kim

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