In August I found a builder to put up our garage! We have accepted the bid and are finalizing the plan. He will take care of everything including permits, inspections… totally turnkey. We would not normally “splurge” this way, but we do not have any contacts here yet. This should help us get a feel for the County Commissioners and the sub-contractors in the area. We need the garage so we can bring our three 16 foot PODS here from the holding facility in Charlotte.

(I really don’t know what I was thinking when I packed so much stuff to bring with us. I had a huge rummage and sold a lot, but not enough.)

Mid-September we started, first the land was cleared, footings placed and then poured. All went off without a hitch!

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The foundation walls went up quickly too.

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And then it started to rain.

2015-10-28 001

and rain

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and rain some more!

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The rain really hindered progress for almost a month. The yard became a mud pit and equipment/delivery trucks couldn’t risk getting stuck, so we sat and waited to dry out.


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In November the construction finally continued and things moved quickly.

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A picture is worth a thousand words, right?

2015-11-16 007

It was really taking shape.

2015-11-21 001

Concrete was poured
and it turned out perfect.

2015-12-11 002

Then the flu went through the house (so heading outside to photograph the progress was put on hold for a week or so), so watching from inside we marveled at how quickly the siding went up and windows installed.

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In early January the garage doors went in and the electrical was finished.

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The driveway was finished. It required a lot of fill to level the area out.

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A few finishing touches and it will be complete.

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