
We have been going back and forth, since we bought this property, about what kind of garage to build (stick built or steel), where to locate it and will it be free standing or attached to the house. There are pros and cons to all these options. The location is the biggest challenge. The north side of the house has a lot line within 35-40 feet or so and with setbacks it would be tight. The east side of the house has about 50 feet of gently sloping terrain and then steeply drops off. This is the area where we would put a deck, garden… so a garage here is not my first choice. The south side of the house has the septic tank/bed and the water main. The west side of the house is the front of the house and has a porch and the front door. It also faces the road.

The west side it is. It is our only option. The garage will be front and center, so it will be stick built to compliment the house. Now what do we do with the front door? I got this bright idea to move the front door to the south side of the house and completely change the layout inside and out. The garage could be attached like a traditional house and we could set it back some so you could see the south side (front door)  from the road. It also puts the driveway in a more convenient location without being near the septic field or the water main. A little unusual but I think it will work. Now what will Steve think?

It is a go. He is all for it. It really solves all of our dilemmas. Now I need to find someone to build it and get designing the floor plan for the house.

2 thoughts on “The garage decision…”

  1. Hi Kim and Steve. Val’s cousin Paula in Michigan here. Your mom sent me your blog info, and I have thoroughly enjoyed reading it and looking through your eyes via the pictures. You all have been on my prayer list for quite awhile, and now I can see the results of some of those prayers, as well as the fruits of your labors. I will continue to pray for you and look forward to the next edition of the Baumann blog.

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