While I was back in Wisconsin making cupcakes, cake pops and cookies for my niece’s wedding, Steve decided to trim out the windows!


Trim decisions impact the design or style of the house and those are things he admittedly has no interest in. That’s my department.

We did have a brief discussion, shortly after he put the windows in, about keeping the trim simple and in a farmhouse style, consistent with the original design. I had also told him a time or ten that I really, really wanted wide windowsills to put things on such as plants, candles, knickknacks or a pie hot out of the oven. I knew that whatever he came up with would be beautiful, he does great work, but I was a little nervous how it would fit in.

This is what he did!

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Isn’t it amazing? It’s perfectly simple. It’s traditional farmhouse style. The windowsill is about 4 1/2 inches and although I would have loved it wider, he felt at the height of these particular windows, it didn’t look right. He did promise to make the ones downstairs wider, especially in the kitchen.

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He admits it was a little tricky on the first window but once he figured out what to do the second window was a breeze!

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They are beautiful. I was worried for nothing! Great job B!


3 thoughts on “Trimming out the windows…”

  1. I certainly agree on the wide sills. We didn’t do that in our farmhouse remodel and I regretef it. Love your view out of the first picture!

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