Zach has had an obsession with anything and everything that has wheels from a very young age.

Whether he fixes it (note the snow boots)…

or drives it, he always has a smile!

zach Disney

Or a grin!

He always enjoys riding in style!

He quickly started driving the real thing.


Shortly after we moved to North Carolina he turned 16, got his drivers license and moved on to his own wheels!

It wasn’t long until he shared that he’d like to learn to drive a motorcycle. He had been driving a car for a year and was a really good driver. He took it upon himself to enroll in and complete a motorcycle driving safety class.

He worked 3 jobs the summer of 2017 to save money!

It scared me beyond reason to think he would be on a bike. I was in complete denial that it would really happen until one day Steve sent me this in a text:

He had bought a bike!

Yeah it was cool and he loved it!

The winter of 2017/2018 he completely overhauled it.

It was sharp! He was very proud of it!

He got it back on the road in April and enjoyed many nice rides that spring.

On May 25 Steve got a phone call from “Zach’s cell.” It was a man asking if he had a son that road a bike. When Steve said “yes”, we heard the words a parent never wants to hear, “he’s been in a wreck and we’re transporting him to a level 1 trauma with a head injury!”

It was a car vs. motorcycle collision.

It was the longest 60 minute drive of our lives.

On flat stretches we could see the ambulance ahead of us.

Steve drove faster and I cried harder.

I just had to see him!

I had to tell him I loved him, that I was there and I prayed so hard I would be able to say “you’re going to be okay.”

Finally we got to him. His neck was immobilized so we saw him before he could see us, thank God because my face, I’m certain, showed the horror I felt.

I went to the head of his bed and looked into the face of my boy and we both lost it.

My tears were of relief. He was conscious and he knew who he was and who his parents were.

We could work with that!

In addition to the head injury he had a lot of road rash & bruising, contusion to the left lung (but by the grace of God, no rib fractures), herniated cervical disc and fractures to the left foot.

Ten weeks later he continues to heal from the foot injuries and the head injury.

Zach starts his Freshman year of college in a few weeks with an intended major in mechanical engineering. We are all hopeful he will be up to the challenge and succeed!

Regrettably, I am unable to elaborate further on the collision details, post pictures or really detail the challenges Zach has been having on advice of his attorney. When that is no longer necessary I will post an update.

Look twice and save a life!





10 thoughts on “Zach’s recovering…”

  1. Praying for Zach and entire family. I haven’t talked to Val for several months so was aware of what happened. Will give her a call tomorrow. Hang in there.

    1. Thanks Paula! It wasn’t easy writing a post I couldn’t editorialize but for now I must leave it at that. We are grateful God did not call him home that night!

  2. The photos of the pink car Uncle Marcus bring back great memories. All photos are perfect. Thanks for the great blog. I bless you all everyday. Earl & I are thankful !! Gramma “B”

    1. We are grateful he was not called home that night! Life’s just a little more precious after such a frightening ordeal, we are thankful for all the love and support.

  3. Soooo sorry My 39 year old Colorado daughter was in an auto accident 3 years ago and had a traumatic brain injury. It was tough but she is doing much better now. I don’t even want to think about our little Nolan driving in 5 years! I will pray for Zach and your family. Stay strong and stay positive!💕

    1. Brain injuries are so frightening and unpredictable! He has a good team caring for him and we are hopeful for a full recovery! Thanks for your story and your prayers.

  4. We have been praying for Zach ever since we heard about the accident. I seems all the prayers have helped since he is mending and he will be ready for college and do well. We will continue to keep him in our prayers.

    1. Thankfully God did not call Zach home that night, all of our prayers were answered. He is a very lucky young man and we are hopeful he will make a full recovery. Thanks for your support!

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